A Kids Book About Grief
Grief is a small word for a BIG experience. Grief affects us emotionally, but also physically, socially, spiritually, and really in every part of our lives. But the important thing to know is that grief is natural, normal, and healthy, and it’s an experience we all have because we’re human.
A Kids Book About Grief was written by Dougy Center’s Executive Director, Brennan Wood, in collaboration with A Kids Company About. Brennan is familiar with grief and loss herself. Not only did she attend Dougy Center groups after her mom died when Brennan was 12, she is also currently a Dougy Center parent, bringing her daughter Jordyn to Dougy Center after the death of both of Jordyn’s biological parents.
“Having been affected by a parent’s death at a young age, I want to help other kids who have gone through a similar experience,” Brennan said. “Grief is a normal and natural reaction to loss and it is my hope that A Kids Book about Grief will give children and families the words to talk about their grief together.”
ISBN 978-1-953955-56-2
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